Dot UK Gem

.uk is a shorter, sharper version of .co.uk. Available now to register.

Instead of .co.uk, .org.uk and .me.uk, you can now get "yourname.uk" domain names. Use your right to register your matching .uk domain by 6am 25th June 2019 as after this they will be released to the general public.

Your Name (*)

Please let us know your name.
Your Email (*)

Please let us know your email address.

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Domain Name

Please write a subject for your message. If you have a domain name ending in .UK please enter it here. It does not need to be with 2020media.


Optional Message

Please let us know your message.

We will verify your rights to a matching .uk domain name and send you an email with confirmed pricing.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Contact 2020Media