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Improving your Broadband Speed

Tips to increase your broadband connection speed


Before phones had their own power, in order for them to ring, a small amount of electricity was sent down one wire (the bell wire) in the telephone line. That line, although not required today, sometimes acts as a large antenna and creates interfence on the telephone line. This in turn can reduce the speed of your broadband connection.

The solution is very easy - simply neutralise the bell wire on your telephone line.

You can do this by buying an I-Plate product for £10 and swapping it for your main phone plug (the plug where the phone comes into your house from outside). BT have a guide to check it will work with your own BT socket. Check first before purchasing!

What factors affect speed

The main factor that affects the maximum broadband speed is the distance you are from the exchange. Unfortunately there's little that you can do about this, short of moving house.
Other factors include the material the phone cable to your property is made of, whether it's raining, congestion in the exchange, your broadband modem and microfilters.