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Login Help

Help with Logging In

You will need a username and password to access the 2020Media Customer Portal. The username is initially issued by us, but you can change it and the password at any time. To obtain the password for your account, use the 'Forgot Login' link to generate and email a password.

Enter your login details in the login box at the top of the screen. You can tick a box to remember your details so next time you can login more quickly.



If you don't have your login username or password, click the 'forgot login' link (the ? shown above) to move to the login retrieval page.

On the login retrieval page, you can select

  • Lost Username
  • Lost Password

If you've lost your username, you will need to remember the email address used by 2020Media to contact you. It was sent in your welcome email.

If you've lost your password, or don't have one, select the 'Lost Password' check box and enter the required information. An email will be sent from the system containing the new details.


Username and Passwords are sent by email only to this address, for security. For further assistance, we recommend you contact us.

For security, existing passwords are never sent. A new password will be generated each time you use the Forgot Login link. You can login and click My Profile and change the password to one you prefer (6 characters or more)