My Documents - An area to download reports, forms, finance information and more
The My Documents page is the first page you will see once you login to the 2020Media customer portal. It's set out with 3 sections, Administrative, Technical and Financial. These equate to the three kinds of contacts we hold for each customer - an Admin contact, a Technical contact and a Billing contact. Each user's login is designed to match their status so that you get the information relevant to you. Of course some customers have a single contact, so all 3 areas are available.
What will I see?
- Administrative
- Reports about the services you subscribe to, copies of renewal reminders, announcements
- Technical
- Technical Notices, Account Letters, Status Updates
- Financial
- Invoices, Receipts, Statements
Additional categories may be added later, as well as more types of information within the existing categories.

Reports and documents within the portal are typically HTML or PDF. HTML files should open with any browser, and PDF files will require your computer or mobile device to have a PDF viewer installed. Free PDF Viewers include Adobe Reader (Mac and PC), Foxit Reader (PC) and Preview (Mac - built in).
How will I know?
When you login to the customer portal, you will be taken to the My Documents page so that any new documents can be viewed. We will notify relevants contacts on your account of important new reports such as invoices and technical configuration details.
A search facility is included. Just click the Search icon, and you can enter text for our built-in search engine to look for. There are number of ways to narrow the search - you can pre-select categories and order your result by date, alphabetical order and popularity.
